Tuesday, January 19, 2016

New year, new me

Sellise aastanumbriga blogipostitust polegi veel olnud. Wow. 

Seekord ma ei öelnud endale, et see aasta tuleb parem kui varem. Lihtsalt olin ja võtsin nii nagu on. Kuid juba praegu saan öelda, et see aasta on alanud erilisemalt kui eelnevad.
Nii huvitav on näha, kuidas teinekord lased kaua kinnihoitud mõtetest lahti ning teed uued detailsed plaanid. Siis aga läheb elu ikka oma teed ja üllatab sind. Jumala teed on imelikud. Ootad palju, saad vähe. Ootad vähe, saad kuhjaga. 

Connor Franta pani täna oma video üles, mis seekord oli luuletus uue aasta kohta. Seostasin neid sõnu ka enda eluga ning seetõttu lisan selle siiagi. 

New Year, New Me

Every 365 days we are given a fresh start
A new beginning with no looking back
A time to rearrange all the pieces in our heart.
Now naturally, 
I want to take this oppurtunity and run...
Will I finally do that thing I've always wanted to?
Can I go there once, twice, maybe with you?
how about I try something new?
Sounds scary! Don't think, just do.
Okay, let's make a list
I say to myself
I must insist
This all be planned out.
Make more, eat better.
Take a tour, be less of a fretter.
Write it down, record it all
Leave town, give them a call.
A change of look, a different art
Learn to cook, time to restart
Use your eyes, speak your mind
No more fears, passions to find.
Work hard, come on breathe
Drop your guard, discover more me.
Some simple tasks to make for myself
A few goals to give me some help.
The potential is great
The options are endless
There's no time for fate
It's up to me to be my best.
New Year, New Me

- Connor Franta